Alexandra von Nassau

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Her Royal Highness
Alexandra von Nassau
Alexandra von Nassau

In office
31 May 2009 – 7 June 2009
Prime Minister Horst Köhler
Preceded by Michael von Preußen
Succeeded by Michael von Preußen

Born 16 February 1992 (age 33)
22px Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Political party Reichsadler.svg National Unionist Party
Royal House   Armoiries Bourbon-Parme.svg  House of Bourbon-Parma

Alexandra von Nassau (previously styled Her Imperial Majesty Alexandra, Countess of Esch-sur-Alzette) is a Letzeburgish princess and titular ruler of Esch-sur-Alzette. She served as the second monarch and first female monarch of Großgermania, following a coup d'état in May 2009. While in office, she also served as head of the National Unionist Party of Großgermania (NUPG).

Born in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, as Alexandra Joséphine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine vu Nassau-Bourbon-Parma, Alexandra grew up as the only daughter in the Royal Family of Luxembourg. Although she supported the unification of Germania, she brought a legal battle against the reclassification of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as a principality. Although she lost the case, it brought public attention to the Princess and led members of the Reichstag in opposition to look to her as a figurehead.

In May 2009, Alexandra was elected by the Reichstag to replace Michael von Preußen after he was couped by that body. She accepted the election, and launched a half-hearted resistance to Michael's invasion less than two weeks later. She was removed from office after unconditionally surrendering to von Preußen on 7 June 2009. She was subsequently arrested on charges of Treason and imprisoned. Following Russia's removal of troops from Großgermania in mid-August, Alexandra was put on trial before the Supreme Court. Her trial, which drew national and international media attention, was relatively short for a trial of its kind, concluding after only nine months. Alexandra was found guilty and sentenced to a suspended life sentence. She was conditionally pardoned by Emperor Michael von Preußen on 10 March, having her position as member of the Order of Germania rescinded by Imperial decree, and returned to Luxembourg less than a week later. The full terms of her pardon have not been publicized.

Alexandra is related to every currently reigning European monarch, with the exception of Michael von Preußen.