Horst Köhler

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His Excellency
Horst Köhler
Horst Köhler

Assumed office
12 December 2008
Monarch Michael von Preußen
Alexandra von Nassau
Preceded by Michael von Preußen
(as Chancellor)

Born 22 February 1943 (age 82)
Flag of Nazi Germany.svg Heidenstein, Generalgouvernement
Political party Reichsadler.svg National Unionist Party
The title of this article contains the character ö.
Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Horst Koehler.

Horst Köhler is the first and thusfar only Ministerpräsident of Großgermania. He was appointed by Emperor Michael von Preußen on 12 December 2012 upon the formation of Großgermania.

Köhler was born in Heidenstein, Generalgouvernement (now Skierbieszów, Poland), on 22 February 1943. His parents fled the advancing Soviet military with him in 1944, settling in Leipzig. Moving to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1953, his family was forced into refugee camps until 1957. Joining the German military for two years, and remaining on as a reserve officer since, Köhler earned a doctorate in economics and political sciences in 1976.

Gaining prominence as a politician, Köhler was hired by various government economic agencies, beginning with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in 1976 and transfering to the Federal Ministry of Finance in 1982. In 1981, he joined the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), remaining a member until its disbandment in December 2008. Becoming Secretary of State for Finance in 1990, he left government to pursue a career in private banking in 1993.

In 2004, he was elected President of Germany, an office which he held until its abolition upon the formation of the Association of Germanic States in 2008. During that period, he re-entered private banking, but on 12 December 2012, newly-appointed Großgermanian Emperor Michael von Preußen requested that he serve as Ministerpräsident. He accepted the same day, and joined the National Unionist Party of Großgermania following the Supreme Court case which banned the CDU.

Köhler retained his position during Alexandra von Nassau's 2009 coup d'état, and he also served as Regent of the Kingdom of Germany during this time. His Office publicly supported Alexandra at the time, though he later withdrew this support during the Russo-Germanian War, claiming that he did so to retain his position, allowing him to continue to hold regency in Germany and prevent a new monarch from being appointed. Despite numerous recommendations from close aides, Michael von Preußen refused to fire Köhler or bring him before judicial proceedings for his support of Alexandra's reign.