Style of the Emperor of Großgermania
Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Style of the Emperor of Grossgermania.
The precise style of the Emperor of Großgermania encompasses all titles held by the Emperor of Großgermania, both ones that are specifically included with the position of Emperor and ones held separately by the person serving as Emperor. The only title explicitly granted to the Emperor other than that of Emperor itself is Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism, representing his position as head of the National Unionist Party of Großgermania. This title was amended without proclamation during Alexandra's rule, and was maintained by the Emperor following her deposition.
While the Emperor may use titles bestowed upon him by inclusion in a military or civilian order, these are not included in his official style.
At present, the full style of the current Emperor, Michael von Preußen, is:
- "His Imperial, Royal, and Serene Majesty Michael, Prince of Prussia, by the Grace of God Emperor of Greater Germania, King of Germany, Consul of the Lower Zorge Valley, Lord Protector of Maiden's Isle, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism in the Germanic Domains"
In German, the title is:
- "Seine Kaiserliche, Königlich, und Durchlauchtige Majestät Michael, Fürst von Preußen, von Gottes Gnaden Reichskaiser von Großgermania, König von Deutschland, Konsul von Unter-Zorge-Tal, Lordprotektor von Mädcheninsel, Vikar in Permanenz der Nationalunionismus in der Germanischen Domänen"
Historical Styles
Period | Monarch | Style |
12 December 2008—15 May 2009 | Michael von Preußen | His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Prince of Prussia, by the Grace of God Emperor of Greater Germania, King of Germany, Consul of the Lower Zorge Valley, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism |
15 May—21 May 2009; | Michael von Preußen | His Imperial, Royal, and Serene Majesty, Prince of Prussia, by the Grace of God Emperor of Greater Germania, King of Germany, Consul of the Lower Zorge Valley, Lord Protector of Maiden's Isle, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism |
21 May—7 June 2009 | Alexandra von Nassau | Her Imperial Majesty, Princess of Luxembourg and Countess of Esch-sur-Alzette, by the Grace of God Empress of Greater Germania, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism in the Germanic Domains |
7 June 2009— | Michael von Preußen | His Imperial, Royal, and Serene Majesty, Prince of Prussia, by the Grace of God Emperor of Greater Germania, King of Germany, Consul of the Lower Zorge Valley, Lord Protector of Maiden's Isle, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism in the Germanic Domains |